Comments on: The Skincare System That Changed My Skin Encouragement for your heart and home Sun, 05 Mar 2023 19:46:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Donna Thanks for this inspiring post! I’m starting to notice changes in my skin and have never used my skin care products as consistently as I should! Glad you found something that is working well for you! Getting older is interesting!!

By: Kristin salazar I love a good system for skin care! You are absolutely glowing my friend, you have gorgeous skin. xo

By: Anna CoCo – This was such an informative and helpful post. As someone who is in my late 40s, my skin has changed drastically in the last several years. I too struggle with hormonal acne which is beyond frustrating at my age. I am always reluctant to invest money in skin care products without knowing if they actually work. Thanks for your honest review and recommendations.

By: CoCo In reply to Susan.

Isn’t it amazing how that happens, Susan? It’s like you don’t even look at yourself because you’ve done things on autopilot for so long. Thankfully, I’ve seen the light and have had a great time exploring new makeup and skincare. It really does make a huge difference. Hugs, CoCo

By: Susan I may have to try some of these products eventually.]]> Those sound like great products. I’ve never heard of it, but I’m pretty much like you were a few months ago. 😂 I may have to try some of these products eventually.
