Comments on: The Blessing I Almost Missed… Encouragement for your heart and home Wed, 28 Dec 2022 10:00:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Top Blog Posts of the Year – […] You can read, The Blessing I Almost Missed, here. […]

By: CoCo In reply to Susan.

So kind of you to say, Susan, it was definitely a special moment. Hugs, CoCo

By: Susan Beautiful testimony!

By: CoCo In reply to ellen.

Ellen, just wanted to let you know I got your email and I am beyond excited about your news. I know you still have a few extra steps to go through but for now, I am going to celebrate this first step because it’s such big news. Keeping you and your family in my prayers as you continue on your journey. Thank you for the update and for allowing me to be a part of your cheer squad! Big hugs, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Corrie.

You are so welcome, Corrie, happy to help encourage you in any way I can. Parenting is not easy, so hang in there. Remember there is no other person on the planet better equipped for your little than you. While you may not have all the answers (no one ever does), you have been gifted with the patience, wisdom, strength, perseverance, and love needed to get through this part of the journey. Give yourself lots of grace and know that every day you show up, you’re making progress. Sending you lots of hugs, CoCo

By: Corrie Thank you.

I needed this now: “And just when we think we’ve gone too far or a situation feels out of reach, we’re showered in abundant grace. An unexpected blessing at exactly the time we need it most.”

My preschooler is going through some seriously tough times right now, and this is a reminder that we can get through it.

Hugs to you, too, as you go through your own tough times.

By: Thistlekeeping - Thistlewood Farm […] this post inspired me so much this week […]

By: CoCo In reply to ellen.

I’m getting teary too now, Ellen. Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughtful encouragement. I appreciate it so much! I am grateful you shared your story as well. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers and lifting you up as you navigate these next few weeks. I can’t imagine how scary it must be to have to go through this again. Always remember you are a treasure in an earthly vessel. And each day you choose to sew seeds of love, kindness, mercy, and grace you’re planting flowers in the hearts and minds of the people that have been placed on your path. You are loved, valued, appreciated, strong and brave. And even though you might not be able to physically feel them, I’m sending so many hugs your way. May you feel His strength when you need it most, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Karen (Back Road Journal).

I completely understand this sentiment, Karen, and appreciate the gentleness in the way you share it as well. You are right, it is not always easy to get to the top of the mountain to realize how good the day is. When days like that happen, I look for something that helped to make the journey to the top manageable. Sometimes it’s as small as a cup of tea in the afternoon or the feeling of sinking into freshly laundered sheets at bedtime. Sometimes, it’s as big as venting, crying, or screaming as much as needed and still being loved unconditionally. Life is not easy but every bit of support definitely helps. Thank you for sharing this. I’m adding it to my journal. Big hugs, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Angie.

You have no idea how much I appreciate these generous words, Angie, thank you so much! I can’t believe you’ve gone on those rapids. They seriously looked INTENSE! I love how despite the scariness of it all there were lots of people smiling and hugging and having a great time. It really felt like we were watching them cross a big item off their bucket list which was cool. Plus, it just goes to show you there are many different levels of bravery and how we get to cheer each other on at every level. Sending you tons of hugs for your friendship and kind words. I hope your weekend is filled with all good things, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Pati Justin.

Such a blessing to claim those words each day, Pati! It’s amazing to know He holds us in the palm of His hands no matter if we’re having a good day or a bad one. While it’s not always easy to live in perfect peace, it’s reassuring to know He is with us each step of the way. I hope your summer season is off to a great start, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Martha.

I couldn’t agree with you more, Martha. His tender mercies blow me away when I need them most yet expect them the least. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and support. It means the world to me, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to lee.

You are welcome, Lee! I hope your day has been a special one so far and your weekend is filled with all good things, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Donna Allen.

Thanks so much for your sweet support, Donna, I really appreciate it. I know exactly what you mean when you say people think you can just take deep breaths and stop it because that has not been my experience either. Thankfully, I’ve learned with each experience how long it actually takes for your mind and body to catch up with each other after an anxiety attack. Every new piece of information and tool in your toolbox definitely helps. I hope you and your son have found some helpful things along the way as well. After all, each step no matter how big or small helps lead us to a more full and healthy life. Sending you both lots of love, hugs, and prayers for your journey, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Susan.

Such a nice thing to say, Susan, thank you. Hope your summer season is filled with extra special adventures and all good things, CoCo
