Comments on: 10 Things That Made the Biggest Difference in Q1 Encouragement for your heart and home Wed, 05 Oct 2022 09:00:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: 10 Things That Made the Biggest Difference in Quarter 3 – […] always we incorporated those things that worked well in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 into Quarter […]

By: CoCo In reply to Rachel Harper.

I totally get it, Rachel! When I started keeping track of where I actually spent my time and then determined if it was a good return on my investment I was totally shocked. Always remember you don’t have to do everything at once. Small changes lead to lasting impacts. Big hugs, CoCo

By: Rachel Harper Coco,
I loved reading about your process of change. I definitely need some discipline in my routine. I have a hard time accounting for what actually got done each day. Drives my husband crazy. Thanks for your inspiration.

By: CoCo In reply to Marie.

This is so relatable, Marie! I kept thinking I was going to be able to go back to how things were too. I finally realized that with a few tweaks I could embrace all the good things that were taking up extra space in my life and it helped so much. I think we just have to give ourselves grace for this season and find a rhythm that works. It won’t be perfect by any stretch but it can be just as beautiful. Hang in there! You’re doing a great job, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Donna Allen.

Speak to my heart, Donna, not being consistent was one of my biggest problems so I can totally relate. It’s really easy to let life stuff, our crazy schedules, or being tired get in the way. Once you find a system that works though it’s a total game changer! Cheering you on as you make adjustments from one season to the next. Big hugs, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Sue at Blu.

You are so welcome, Sue! They have so many different ways you can personalize your calendar. Hope you have the best weekend, CoCo

By: Sue at Blu Checking out Plum Paper planner! Thanks! Pinned.

By: CoCo In reply to Christine.

That is so exciting you’ll be starting a new job, Christine! I know you’re going to be amazing at it. Whenever I feel super overwhelmed or like I have a lot on my plate, I ask myself “What is one thing I can do TODAY to help?” It seems super small but taking action no matter how big or small is HUGE. After all, one small change leads to another and then another until you’re living the life you’ve always dreamt of. Can’t wait to cheer you on lady and I’m so happy these tips and tricks have helped. Big hugs, CoCo

By: From the Front Porch – […] 10 Things That Made the Biggest Difference in Q1 […]

By: Christine These are such SUPER helpful tips, CoCo and I’m definitely bookmarking and pinning the post. I’ll be starting a new job in less than two weeks and it’s going to require some MAJOR changes in my current routine. I’m afraid I’ll need all the help I can get, LOL! Thanks as always for sharing your heart, amazing advice and tips, and of course, constant support and encouragement!

By: Donna Allen I enjoyed reading about your daily routines! I will be tweaking my daily routines this summer! Consistency is the key and I struggle with that at times! Thanks for all your encouragement and inspiration! Blessings, Donna

By: Marie Just today I was thinking how I was craving for my routine to go back to normal. I was referring to my routine before having my second kiddo. Obviously my routine won’t ever be the same. I need to embrace current life and adjust ha ha!

By: CoCo BIg hugs and thanks for all your encouragement, CoCo PS: I'm in bed by 8 pm. PPS: I have NO IDEA what TWTL means 😂]]> In reply to Cindy@CountyRoad407.

I know what you mean, Cindy! I thought that quote was pretty powerful too. I’m naturally a morning person but I have to say waking up at 445 was not easy. Thankfully, I’m used to it now and it’s worth every minute but it was a huge change. It sounds like you’re a night owl, so when you’re ready, focus on more on your nightly routine than your morning routine – that way it totally takes the pressure off and you can stay up as late as you want and party 🙌 BIg hugs and thanks for all your encouragement, CoCo PS: I’m in bed by 8 pm. PPS: I have NO IDEA what TWTL means 😂

By: Cindy@CountyRoad407 I love the quote – Nothing ever changes until you do! That is so enlightening and comforting at the same time. I need to do some changing for sure. But girl, I’m not about to get up at the crack of black like you. I won’t even tell you what time I actually get up or go to bed at night. The only routine I have is taking care of our last little old dog, Cooper. He’s my shadow and he’s my routine. Oh wait, I do have my TWTL. But again, it’s not in the dark. LOL. Always love your encouragement. Big hugs.

By: CoCo In reply to Janette.

Aww, thank you for the extra cheers, Janette, I really appreciate them. I’m definitely a work in progress but I feel like I’m getting there. It’s never going to be perfect because life is not perfect but it feels good to actually be a priority on my own list for a change. I’m glad you’ve made yourself a priority as well. It’s so important. Wishing you a week filled with lots of tea breaks and all your favorite things. Big hugs, CoCo
