Comments on: Thoughts on Quarters and Lasting Change… Encouragement for your heart and home Fri, 08 Apr 2022 13:36:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: CoCo I am really proud of you and proud for you too. I know it takes extra work, dedication, and staying mindful each day to make progress. Keep up the good work and let me know how you're doing with it. I'll definitely be cheering you on! Big hugs, CoCo PS: My back gets better and better every day. I need to put "strengthen my core" to the top of my priorities list. Thank you for checking on me. I really appreciate it ❤]]> In reply to AJ.

That is so exciting AJ! You probably can’t hear it but I’m giving you a lot of high fives and whoo hoos over here 🙌 I am really proud of you and proud for you too. I know it takes extra work, dedication, and staying mindful each day to make progress. Keep up the good work and let me know how you’re doing with it. I’ll definitely be cheering you on! Big hugs, CoCo PS: My back gets better and better every day. I need to put “strengthen my core” to the top of my priorities list. Thank you for checking on me. I really appreciate it ❤

By: AJ Love the Quarter Challenge. I chose 3 habits to work on this year and have been pretty satisfied with my progress for the 1st quarter of the year. After reading your post I decided to add 2 more habit goals and take the Quarter Challenge
I look forward to reading your posts; thank you & I hope your back feels better

By: CoCo In reply to Debbie.

You’re so sweet, Debbie, thank you so much for the encouragement. I really appreciate it! We started our Q2 Quarter Challenge today so I’m really excited about continuing to make healthy choices. It’s not always easy but the effort is always worth it. Sending you hugs for a happy weekend, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Theresa Schneider-Link.

Thank you so much, Theresa, I really appreciate it! Hope your week was filled with all good things, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Christine.

It’s so awesome that you guys did a similar challenge together, Christine! I tell ya there is nothing like having someone help hold you accountable and to motivate you to make healthy lifestyle changes. There is NO WAY I would have finished a half marathon without my running buddies nor would I have stayed the course through this challenge without my accountability partner. A quarter doesn’t seem like much but over time those choices start adding up and it feels really good! Can’t wait to cheer you on as you make healthy choices and get back on track. I’m proud of you! Big hugs, CoCo

By: From the Front Porch – […] you had a chance to read Monday’s post, Thoughts on Quarters and Lasting Change… you know I was all set to meet my accountability partner for lunch and J Crew today to […]

By: Christine I absolutely LOVE this idea! Some co-workers and I did a similar challenge years ago. Back then we only had one goal for the challenge. To make time to exercise(even if it was just a walk) every single workday. Our hope was for all of us to lose some weight and treat ourselves to something special with the money we dropped in the bucket each week. At the end of the year, I not only was exercising every day I started making healthier choices all around and had lost 50 lbs!!! I kept it off for eight years and then covid happened. UGH! I truly needed this reminder, my friend and I’m so grateful! Thank you.

By: Theresa Schneider-Link In reply to Corrie.

That story was very inspirational and beautiful. You can see how many good choices you made…wow!

By: Debbie This was great I loved it
It’s not silly its purposeful
I should reread this everyday
You go! Good 4 U! Keep it up!
And thankyou

By: CoCo In reply to Donna Allen.

Thank you so much, Donna! We’ve been really surprised at how a simple quarter has helped us to stay on track for 10 weeks now! As you say, it’s definitely hard at times to take it day by day but the small changes have been adding up and making big impacts for us both. I’m hoping we can continue through the rest of the year too! Hope you’re having the best week, CoCo

By: Donna Allen I think your quarter challenge sounds so interesting and fun! Congratulations on your wins so far! Sometimes it’s hard to take each day, one by one, but all the small wins will add up in the end! Making healthy choices is so important and I applaud you! Have a wonderful week, Donna

By: CoCo In reply to Rachel.

Thank you so much, Rachel, I really appreciate it. In a million years I never thought I would be so excited over a quarter but every time I throw a new one in the jar I feel so proud I’m sticking with it and making healthy choices. It’s so important! Hope you’re having a happy week, CoCo

By: Rachel You are such a beautiful writer, CoCo. I so appreciate your ‘life advice’ on the weekly. This is such a cool idea and I’m so glad you’re sticking with it!! You go, girl!!

By: CoCo In reply to Corrie.

I can totally relate, Corrie! I looked at this list and thought “Well, this is going to be SO easy! I’m going to be racking up quarters left and right!” But then I realized it was 3 pm before I remembered to drink any water or we’d go out to celebrate a special birthday and I would have to intentionally choose a healthy menu item instead of nachos and sangria. I had to wake up early to sneak a 20-minute workout in. It was eye-opening just how many bad habits I was allowing into my life. One thing that helped me from the beginning was laying out all the quarters (it was 5 at the time) each night before I went to bed. That way, the minute I woke up I could immediately see there were 5 reasons to make good choices that day. It also helped to drop the quarter in the jar as soon as I had completed the task. I had a hard time remembering how many quarters I had earned by the end of the day, especially in the beginning. So proud of you for tracking your habits and making healthy choices. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here for ya! Big hugs, CoCo

By: 10 Things That Made the Biggest Difference in Q1 – […] excited to say we’re 10 weeks into The Quarter Challenge and every time I drop a fresh quarter into the jar, I feel proud to finally be making progress […]
