Comments on: 10 Things That Made the Biggest Difference This Year Encouragement for your heart and home Tue, 02 Jan 2024 17:48:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: 52 Weeks to a Simplified & Organized Home Challenge – […] 10 Things That Made the Biggest Difference This Year […]

By: Donna Thank you for sharing the things that have helped make your life better! I love learning new things and incorporating new strategies into my life! I need to work on my skincare routine and “start asking better questions” as well! I appreciate your insight and your willingness to share! Hugs to you!

By: Anna Hi CoCo – This is such a great post that I am going to share it in my Unboxing email on Saturday morning. Thanks always for being the voice of reason and for always seeing the silver lining!

By: CoCo In reply to Corrie.

I love that question, Corrie! It is so wild to me that we ask our friends questions and the littles questions and our family questions to help better understand what they need or where they’re at any given moment, yet we forget to ask ourselves basic questions that could help make life so much easier. Especially, when we feel stuck, overwhelmed or bleary. It seems like a small thing but it definitely makes a big impact. Cheering you on sweet friend! Hugs, CoCo

By: Coco, this is such a great post. Prioritizing yourself is always a challenge but a necessary one. Women often have a problem with that, not to mention that we all(women and men) start to make changes and we try to do it ALL at once and then are disappointed when we don’t see immediate results.
I hope that you continue to see the results and improvements you are working towards.

By: Corrie Oooh, I love the “asking better questions” idea! I woke up feeling really bleary today, and was having trouble getting my energy back, but I just tried asked myself, “What’s a concrete thing I can do to feel better?” and I came up with several helpful ideas.

By: CoCo In reply to Renae.

Thanks so much, Renae, I really appreciate it. Hope you have the best week, CoCo

By: Renae I love these ideas. Hugs and blessings to you, my beautiful friend.

By: CoCo In reply to Susan Sikes.

It helped us so much, Susan! Beyond the monetary aspect of it, seeing all those quarters adding up each day felt like a huge win because it was a visual representation of all the healthy choices we had made for 90 days. It’s so easy to get discouraged and to fall off the wagon when you’re not seeing results right away. But this system helped to change our perpective and I hope it helps yours too. Keep me posted! Big hugs, CoCo

By: Susan Sikes Oh my goodness! I love the idea of the Quarter Challenge! I’ve never heard of it, but it sounds like something that might work for me!
