Comments on: Make Your Own Heirloom Pumpkins Encouragement for your heart and home Mon, 12 Aug 2019 18:40:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Quick & Easy Heirloom Pumpkin Centerpiece – The Crowned Goat […] might remember we filled our heirloom pumpkin centerpiece with DIY dollar store pumpkins and featured it on our back patio as part of a Fall inspired […]

By: CoCo In reply to Vicki and Jenn 2 Bees in a Pod.

I know you guy, I can’t get over it! The heirloom pumpkins are like unicorns this year. I swear they were all over the place last year. I’m still on the look out so I’ll let you know if I find anything. Keep me posted on how your search is going too. Hugs, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Bonnie.

Thanks so much Bonnie! I’m pretty sure it’s all in how you add “the dirt” he h. Good luck with your painting. Hugs, CoCo

By: CoCo In reply to Sarah.

I don’t know what is going on with the pumpkins this year Sarah! All my friends that live “up north” seem to have them no problem. If I find any I’ll let you know. Maybe we all just need to head to the pumpkin patch. Hugs and happy hunting, CoCo

By: Bonnie These are beautiful, Coco, they look just like real heirloom pumpkins!

By: Vicki and Jenn 2 Bees in a Pod CoCo – this is a perfect solution to the elusive heirloom pumpkins! We don’t know what it is – but they are NOWHERE to be found in our neck of the woods! They are definitely everywhere else it seems but not here. Even bright orange pumpkins have more than doubled in prices this year. Thanks for sharing a great idea. Much love.

By: Sarah These look like the real thing Coco. No heirloom pumpkins in our neck of the woods either. I was actually looking for peach. Good to know I can make my own. Thanks for the great tips.
